Luci e crimini – 11 Febbraio 2001

Ricevo da magnitude 6 un interessante messaggio dove si dice che la polizia di due piccole cittadine non ha notato alcun incremento di criminalità nei 4 anni in cui la maggior parte degli apparecchi d’illuminazione esterna sono stati spenti per risparmiare denaro da utilizzare in modo più utile (per le scuole, i pompieri, la polizia ecc.).
In Italia sarebbe impensabile spegnere le luci di un paese! No comment.
Update to a story covered in past issues:
Clark Johnson of Heath, MA, is a journalist who
has been keeping tabs on an interesting situation
two northwestern-Massachusetts towns that decided
to turn off street lighting about four years ago
to save money in the local town budgets, thereby
keeping money alive for use in schools, fire
departments, and police departments. Each
year since then, the town residents of Bernardston
(where all but a dozen or so critical intersection
lights were turned off) and Northfield (where
two-thirds of the street lights were turned off,
from more than 300 to about 120 lights now) have
questioned the selectmen on the town boards about
the wiseness of this policy, but each time the
police chiefs of the towns have stated that there
no observed increase in crime or accidents
resulting from this lighting policy.

— Karolyn Beebe
— Madison Wisconsin

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