Almeria (Spagna): Convegno Internazionale per la Protezione del Cielo Notturno

Il Governo Regionale per l’Ambiente dell’Andalusia (Spagna) organizza il Convegno Internazionale delle Istituzioni ed Enti che si occupano della Protezione del Cielo Notturno, con lo scopo di creare un Gruppo di Lavoro Internazionale sull’Inquinamento Luminoso. CieloBuio e Light-is parteciperanno ai lavori, quali rappresentanti per l’Italia, in quanto promotori delle migliori legislazioni in merito.

1st International Meeting of Administrations for the Protection of the Night Sky
November 30th-December 1st 2011
Museum of Almeria
Almeria, Andalusia (Spain)

Lingua ufficiale del convegno è l’inglese. Per maggiori informazioni ed iscrizioni:

Scarica la locandina con il programma (1MB)

The Ministery for the Environment of the Regional Government of Andalusia recognizes the need to induce and encourage more sustainable habits among the population. Some programs have been launched to improve urban sustainability. So, recently approved Urban Sustainability Strategy of Andalusia opens a competence framework which calls for work in cross-sectional areas such as the local urban management, or in more specific matters like light pollution.
Light pollution is an environmental problem which stems from an inadequate design of lighting systems. Light pollution damages astronomical observations, both at a scientific and touristic levels, and natural ecosystems as well. Effcient energy management and design of lighting facilities, taking into account sustainability criteria, is a priority for the competent authorities, as reflected in the Regulation for the Protection of the Night Sky Quality against Light Pollution, approved in 2010.
In this way, the General Direction for Climate Change and Urban Environment of the Environment Regional Government of Andalusia intends to constitute national and international working groups on light pollution. The purpose of these groups is to provide a joint forum for common work, which enables the exchange of experiences. This is intended both for countries already having some regulation and for those that are still developing it. The forum will also give the opportunity to exchange, discuss and debate the positive and negative aspects of applicability of each regulation, adopting, where appropriate, a common position on certain problems.
Specific objectives to be achieved are:

  • Presentation and exchange of different experiences in the implementation of the already adopted rules
  • Ability to improve current and future standards and regulations
  • Ability to develop joint projects
  • Creation of a working virtual forum
  • Preparation and publication of working and broadcast papers


Open day. Technical session: Actions to improve the visible quality of the night sky. Analysis of international cases.

Fair on Sustainable Outdoor Lighting.

10:00h Reception and coffee.

10:30h Opening. Regional Minister for the Environment of Andalusia.

11:00h Presentation University of Murcia. Effects of light pollution on health and biodiversity. Chronobiology Laboratory at the University of Murcia.

11:30h Presentation Calar Alto Observatory. Light pollution: Astronomy, culture and development. Mr. David Galadí-Enríquez. Calar Alto Astronomical Observatory.

12:00h Questions

12:10h Presentation Hawaii. Light pollution: baseline situation,corrective actions and current status. Mr. Richard Wainscoat. University of Hawaii.

12:40h Presentation Chile. Light pollution: baseline situation, corrective actions and current status. Mr. Pedro Sanhueza. Protection Office Sky Quality Northern Chile. Ministry of Environment.

13:10h Questions

13:20h Presentation Italy. Light pollution: baseline situation, corrective actions and current status. Mr. Diego Bonata (videoconference).
Secretary of Light-IS (Professional eco-light association).

13:50h Questions

14:00h Lunch

15:30h Presentation Italy. Evaluating and measuring light pollution. Mr. Fabio Falchi. Institute of Science and Technology and Italian Dark-Sky Association (CieloBuio).

16:00h Presentation Starlight Initiative. Mr. Cipriano Marín Cabrera.
Coordinator of the Starlight Initiative (Starlight Foundation), member of the Urban Futures Programme (UNESCO-MAB).

16:30h Presentation Germany. Light pollution: baseline situation, corrective actions and current status. Mr. Andreas Hänel. Working Group Dark Sky. Schölerberg Museum. Planetary Nature and Environment. Osnabrück (Germany).

17:00h Presentation Government of Andalusia. Regional Government response to light pollution. Mrs. Estefanía Cañavate García. Agency for the Environment and Water.

17:30h Questions

Moderator: Mrs. Angela Ranea Palma. Head of the Urban Environment Department, Regional Environmental Government of Andalusia.

Simultaneous interpreting English-Spanish and Spanish-English will be offered

(Administrations only)

Morning session – International Working Group

9:30h Opening: Director for Climate Change and Urban Environment of the Environmental Regional Government of Andalusia.

10:00h Presentations of Spanish Regions and international attendees: a brief presentation of each administration and of their current situation
(the length of these presentations will depend on the number of regions attending the event).

12:00h Coffee break.

12:20h Constitution of the International Working Group: summary of the current situation, brainstorming, establishing guidelines, input and suggestions. Adoption of a common position and creation of an International Working Group and Work area.

Moderator: Mrs. Angela Ranea Palma. Head of the Urban Environment Department, Regional Environmental Government of Andalusia

14:00h Lunch

Afternoon session – VISIT (for working group only)

16:30h Visit to the Calar Alto Astronomical Observatory (arrival at the Observatory at 17:30 pm, approximate duration of the visit, 2 hours)

19:00h Dinner at the Observatory

20:00h Unitedsoundsofcosmos Astroconcert at the dome of the Schmidt telescope.
Music: Antonio Arias (vocals and guitar / bass), J. J. Machuca (keyboards) and David Fernandez (percussion). Science and image: José Antonio Caballero (Center for Astrobiology).

21:00h End of the Meeting.

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