Il presidente di CieloBuio – dott. Fabio Falchi sul Wall Street Journal!

Complimenti al presidente di CieloBuio premiato con una prestigiosa intervista sul Wall street Journal per le sue ricerche internazionali sull’inquinamento luminoso.


It’s All About the Lighting
City Lights Are Obscuring Our Starry Nights
July 25, 2008; Page A10

Around the world, the night sky is vanishing in a fog of artificial light, which a coalition of naturalists, astronomers and medical researchers consider one of the fastest growing forms of pollution, with consequences for wildlife, peoplés health — and the human spirit.
Not until 2001 did Dr. Falchi and his colleagues first catalog global patterns of artificial light. They are working this summer at the U.S. National Geophysical Data Center in Boulder, Colo., to update their world survey. This November, Dr. McKenna at the Palomar Observatory expects to begin field testing an automated sky-brightness monitor that can report light conditions reliably every minute. One day, it could form the basis for a global network of wireless sky sensors.

Articolo completo: Wall Street Journal – It’s All About the Lighting

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