"DarkSky in Europe" Member

Dear European amateur astronomers,
I’m Diego Bonata, president of CieloBuio (i.e.: Dark Sky). CieloBuio is an association born nearly three years ago to support a regional bill draft in Lombardy, Italy. CieloBuio coordinated the efforts against light pollution of Lombardy’s amateur and professional astronomers and observatories. We collected over 25 000 signatures to support the draft in few months (see IDA newsletter n.42 June 2000, p.8). Now Cielobuio is expanded nation-wide (see CieloBuio). Who of you attended at the Light Pollution meeting held in Paris in June 1998 may remember me: I made a report on the status of light pollution fight in Italy and on the Lombardy’s draft bill .

Since then some things changed. These are the main points:

Now it’s time for all we, European amateur astronomers, to join to win the war against the problem that, untouched, will put an end to our passion for astronomy in few years. Such as in Lombardy the amateur astronomers associations pushed to obtain the best law on the planet yet, so ALL THE EUROPEAN ASTRONOMICAL ASSOCIATIONS must join together to pursue our common object. Moreover an European law against light pollution may be the first law wished from people of all its countries. Politics may appreciate this fact.

So I ask to you:

The way to do that may be:

I’m sure we can do it! We all together may be the force needed to give a starry night to our future.
I’m waiting for you numerous partecipation to this definitive effort. Contact as many astronomer and association as you can.
A Dark European Sky to you all,

Diego Bonata
CieloBuio - President

Fabio Falchi
CieloBuio - Thecnical and Scientifical Commission 

"DarkSky in Europe" Fabio Falchi
(Also for all other information)

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CieloBuio - Coordinamento per la Protezione del Cielo Notturno
DarkSky in Europe - European Effort to prevent Light Pollution